Protective Security Network (PSN) Code of Conduct and Member Complaints
1. Intent
This Code of Conduct (the ‘Code’) is limited to the intent, management and operations of the Protective Security Network (PSN). Members will be required to acknowledge and comply with the Code, as part of a membership application and as a condition of membership currency.
The PSN Advisory Board (the ‘Board’) and management team are also committed to the Code.
PSN members, the Board and the PSN management team agree that personal integrity, impartiality, objectivity, fairness and honesty, are fundamental to maintaining credibility and reputation of the PSN.
The Code’s guidelines outline the framework of this intent. The guidelines may resemble aspects of similar codes applicable to most workplaces.
2. Code Guidelines
i. This Code assumes that prospective members and the PSN management team will commit to exercising professional and personal integrity in participating in and/or otherwise contributing to, activities of the PSN.
ii. Integrity includes honesty, respect for people, intellectual property and information, verbally shared, or in any way, published, through PSN outlets or platforms.
iii. Integrity forbids communication or published material, intentional, in jest or malice, that is offensive, inciteful, intimidatory, discriminatory, or illegal, being published and/or otherwise placed on any PSN or linked social media platforms.
iv. PSN member-applicants must provide factual and honest information when applying for membership and as a PSN member. This includes if requested, advising of current qualifications, publications and professional affiliations.
v. PSN members must advise the PSN management team of changes to personal circumstances, such as change of address and contact details to ensure membership currency.
3. Alleged Code Breaches
- Where an alleged breach of the Code by a member is brought to the attention of the Executive Director, a PSN Advisory Board representative will investigate and adjudicate the matter. The member will be informed of the Board’s decision in writing.
- A breach of the Code may result in either a warning or cancellation of membership.
4. Complaints About The PSN
- The Executive Director and Advisory Board acknowledge that, within the Codes’s intent, members may lodge a complaint about the PSN, its service delivery and other matters. Receipt of the complaint will be acknowledged in writing within twenty-one (21) days.
- On receipt of the complaint, the complainant will be contacted by the Executive Director to clarify the complaint’s content and to discuss resolution.
- Where a complaint is not resolved the PSN Board will further investigate and adjudicate the matter which is final and in confidence. The complainant will be notified in writing of the Board’s decision.
5. Code Amendments
- From time-to-time, the Code or other matters pertinent to PSN’s intent or purposes, may be amended by Board-initiated consideration, and/or by advice, or recommendations by, PSN members, and/or or from external (security) industry sources. The Board reserves the right to adopt or reject such advice and recommendations.
6. Version and Copyright
The current Code version is available on our website:
The Protective Security Network Code of Conduct (the ‘Code’) – Published October 2023 ©.